What’s The Point of Tech Diving?
There are many reasons for tech diving – here are a few common reasons for tech diving:
- Wreck exploration – many wrecks are at depths which are beyond the limits of recreational diving
- Marine life – especially pelagic species and sharks prefer to stay in the deeper waters where it is cooler so tech diving gives you an increased chance of a sighting. Marine scientists will often tech dive to gain longer bottom times at extreme depths to carry our surveys or they will simply hire specialized tech divers to do this for them for research purposes.
- Geographical location – some regions naturally lend themselves to tech diving: Amid in Shamandura is an incredible tech diving location with abundant marine life and phenomenal coral growth into the depths and unusual marine life
- It’s a challenge and can therefore be very rewarding.

Why Tec Diving?
You’ll see parts of the underwater world that very few – if any divers – have seen before.
These are great justifications for entering into IT, but there are also some fantastic arguments against doing so: attempting to surpass a personal best depth, a friend’s depth, or just showing that you can. Focus, alertness, a responsible attitude, the capacity to reason clearly and logically underwater, the capacity to maintain composure, and most importantly the fortitude to abort a dive when required are all requirements for tech diving. If you are not as fit as you’d want to be, start working on your strength and stamina before your tech training because tech diving also demands a certain level of fitness.